Duck breast is easy to digest and easily digestible
Duck meat is generally very popular with dogs. The tender, tasty meat is not only full of nutrients, but also provides high-quality protein. And without being too heavy. Duck is a low-fat type of meat, so even overweight, inactive or older dogs can snack on it without feeling guilty. Allergy sufferers and nutritionally sensitive dogs will be delighted with this easily digestible snack for between meals.
In addition to its high nutritional value, duck meat provides valuable B vitamins, including vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and niacin (vitamin B3). It also contains relevant amounts of minerals such as iron and zinc.

Nach dem Anbruch bitte kühl und trocken lagern.
Als Belohnung oder Snack zwischen den Mahlzeiten füttern. Bitte immer ausreichend Trinkwasser bereitstellen.
94% Entenbrust, natürliches pflanzliches Glycerin, Mineralstoffe
Analytische Bestandteile:
Protein 60%, Rohasche 5%, Rohfett 3%, Rohfaser 1,7%, Feuchtigkeit 16%