Fine and aromatic rabbit meat in a soft stick
Deliciously soft and super aromatic - these are our fine rabbit sticks. The tender rabbit meat is characterized by a spicy, aromatic taste. Our fine rabbit sticks are a great reward, especially for dogs with sensitive digestion. Rabbit meat provides lots of high-quality protein and important nutrients, such as the minerals iron and magnesium, many B vitamins and essential amino acids.
It is also low in fat and is particularly suitable as a treat for overweight dogs or inactive four-legged friends, such as senior dogs. The softer consistency makes the sticks very easy to chew and they are also easily digestible.

Nach dem Anbruch bitte kühl und trocken lagern.
Als Belohnung oder Snack zwischen den Mahlzeiten füttern. Bitte immer ausreichend Trinkwasser bereitstellen.
95% Kaninchenfleisch, pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse (Erbsenprotein), natürliches pflanzliches Glycerin, Mineralstoffe
Analytische Bestandteile:
Protein 35%, Rohasche 5%, Rohfett 5%, Rohfaser 1,7%, Feuchtigkeit 16%