Lamb for dogs with allergies
Our cubes of fine lamb are hypoallergenic, super tasty, easily digestible and provide many important nutrients. They are therefore a highly recommended addition to your four-legged friend's diet. Thanks to the minerals and vitamins it contains, lamb has a positive effect on various bodily functions, such as the metabolism, nervous system and immune system.
We pay strict attention to high-quality ingredients in our recipes, because your four-legged friend deserves only the best when it comes to snacks and rewards! That's why all our snackies contain no artificial additives, no added grains or sugar and no artificial preservatives or attractants.

Nach dem Anbruch bitte kühl und trocken lagern.
Als Belohnung oder Snack zwischen den Mahlzeiten füttern. Bitte immer ausreichend Trinkwasser bereitstellen.
95% Lammfleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse (100% Lamm), natürliches pflanzliches Glycerin, pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse (Erbsenprotein), Mineralstoffe
Analytische Bestandteile:
Protein 45%, Rohfett 6%, Rohasche 5%, Rohfaser 1,7%, Feuchtigkeit 21%