Is beef healthy for dogs?
Beef is not only hearty and very tasty, but also popular with many dogs. In comparison, it is not a low-fat type of meat, but it is very nutritious. The high content of minerals, especially iron, makes the gently air-dried strips a treat for pets of all ages. Iron is essential for life and is involved in various metabolic processes, including blood formation and therefore oxygen transport. Iron deficiency manifests itself in listlessness, a weak immune system and therefore a higher susceptibility to infections.
Due to the high proportion of muscle meat, a few tasty strips of beef support a good supply of iron. No added grain or artificial additives, but all the tastier for it.

Nach dem Anbruch bitte kühl und trocken lagern.
Als Belohnung oder Snack zwischen den Mahlzeiten füttern. Bitte immer ausreichend Trinkwasser bereitstellen.
95% Rindfleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse (100% Rind), natürliches pflanzliches Glycerin, pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse (Erbsenprotein), Mineralstoffe
Analytische Bestandteile:
Protein 45%, Rohfett 5%, Rohasche 5%, Rohfaser 1,7%, Feuchtigkeit 21%