Horse meat for nutritionally sensitive dogs
For dogs with allergies or food intolerances, horse is a healthy alternative source of protein to other types of meat, as it is rarely used in conventional treats. It is very healthy, low in fat, full of high-quality proteins and contains important nutrients. Most dogs tolerate the digestible and easily digestible spicy horse meat very well. It is rich in vitamin A and iron. Vitamin A supports bones, eyesight and the immune system. Iron is important for blood formation.
Our savory horse meat strips consist of only one animal protein source and contain no artificial additives, added sugar or grain. They are the ideal treat for between meals and, thanks to the low-fat meat, they can also be a treat more often.

Nach dem Anbruch bitte kühl und trocken lagern.
Als Belohnung oder Snack zwischen den Mahlzeiten füttern. Bitte immer ausreichend Trinkwasser bereitstellen.
95% Pferdefleisch und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse (100% Pferd), natürliches pflanzliches Glycerin, pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse (Erbsenprotein), Mineralstoffe
Analytische Bestandteile:
Protein 45%, Rohfett 6%, Rohasche 5%, Rohfaser 1,7%, Feuchtigkeit 21%